Pennington Creative loves being headquartered in Tucson—the great weather and beautiful landscape mean that the opportunities for fun outdoor activities are endless! One of the most popular ways to spend time in Tucson is riding a bike, and this weekend, you can celebrate cycling—or any other form of active transportation—during Cyclovia! The celebration takes place on Sunday, April 8 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with the route extending from the Lost Barrio to Himmel Park. You can learn more about Tucson cycling and discover additional details about this year’s Cyclovia in this infographic. Please feel free to pass this infographic along to your friends and family!

Infographic about cycling in Tucson and Cyclovia 2018.

About the Author

Adrienne Lobl

Digital Marketing Specialist, Graphic Design Onboarding Services

Shannon Roberts

Digital Marketing Operations, Content Services