Since 1925, Tucsonans have looked forward to the annual Tucson Rodeo, which is otherwise known as La Fiesta de los Vaqueros® (Celebration of the Cowboys). Each year, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) world champions make their way to the city for the event, which has grown to be a nine-day celebration and a kids’ favorite—students even get a break from school to enjoy the festivities. The 2018 Tucson Rodeo will run from February 17-25 and be held at the Tucson Rodeo Grounds. Tucson’s finest display of the Old West, the Tucson Rodeo Parade, starts at 9:00 a.m. on February 22 and will feature horse-drawn coaches, Western-themed floats, Mexican folk dancers, marching bands, and outfitted riders. To learn more about enjoying the rodeo in Tucson, check out this infographic from Pennington Creative.

Infographic about the 2018 Tucson Rodeo.

About the Author

Adrienne Lobl

Digital Marketing Specialist, Graphic Design Onboarding Services

Hillary Hubbard

Digital Marketing Specialist, Copywriting