Tucson, AZ is a great place to live—many of our content writers, editors, and designers went to college here and decided to stick around after graduation. Why? Maybe it’s the weather. Tucson receives 350 days of sunshine every year. Maybe it’s the gorgeous desert scenery: We are surrounded on all sides by state parks and natural wonders. It’s truly a hiker’s paradise. Perhaps it’s the strange and wonderful Tucson culture. Tucsonans eat hot dogs wrapped in bacon with mayonnaise on top, attend art openings in renovated warehouses, build their own bikes in subterranean bike lairs, and relish every opportunity to dance the night away at memorable concerts.

Everyone has a different reason to love Tucson, but one thing is for sure: It’s a very unique place. That’s why we decided to create this infographic about Tucson, our beloved home town. Please feel free to share it with your friends or send it to those East Coasters and Californians who still pronounce it “Tuck-son” (we all know a few!).

Tucson Infographic

This infographic was created by Tucson content marketing firm Pennington Creative, proud purveyors of high-quality blogs, onsite content, and custom infographics.





About the Author

Adrienne Lobl

Digital Marketing Specialist, Graphic Design Onboarding Services