Elevate Your Content Strategy with Evergreen Website Page Copy and Relevant, Timely Blog Posts

It’s no secret that websites need to look good to get attention, but the real heart of any great website is the written content. Website copy is what informs readers about your clients’ products and services, as well as their values and brand personality. Perhaps even more importantly, written content is what fuels SEO by shaping the user experience and aligning websites with key terms to get them featured in the right search queries.

There are two basic types of website copy that matter. First, you should focus on evergreen copy, which is what you’ll put on the homepage, about page, and service pages. Page copy should be compelling, informative, and consistently relevant. Blog copy, on the other hand, allows space to explore seasonal content, events, product specials, product launches, and industry news. Including a blog on your clients’ websites is beneficial because search engines favor websites that are updated regularly and often. Still, it’s important to avoid falling into the trap of making blogs purely promotional. Blog posts should offer something for the reader besides a sales pitch—consider blogs an opportunity to connect with target audiences in a deeper way and leave them thinking about your client’s brand.

Our Website Copy Process

So, you’re sold on the fact that you need website copy. What comes next? Our process ensures that our copywriters get a complete picture of who your clients are, so we can produce content that represents them well.

Step 1

We’ll provide you with a content intake form that asks all the right questions to get a firm understanding of your client’s overall brand, their products and services, target keywords, and marketing goals. You’ll host a short meeting to fill out this form with your client (it typically takes about 30 minutes to complete the form), and then send it back to us.

Step 2

We set up an editorial calendar and share it with your agency. If you’ve ordered blog posts, we’ll create unique blog topics following the guidance on the intake form and send them back to you for approval. For website copy, we’ll ask which pages you need written and get started with the appropriate research. If needed, we can perform keyword research to formulate a page by page gameplan for your client’s keyword strategy.

Step 3

Now we’re ready to write! We’ll complete the copy order and send over the polished, edited final drafts within 10 business days of your initial order. If you’re setting up a monthly blog post pack, we will establish a delivery schedule. Too busy to post blog copy on your end? We can help with that too!

Schedule a Call

You don’t need a team of copywriters in-house at your agency to develop a top-tier content strategy for your clients. Order from the services listed below or schedule a strategy call to streamline your process with Pennington Creative.

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