Get Your Clients Seen on Google with Google Ads Setup and Management from Pennington Creative

When you perform a search on Google, the first thing you see isn’t organic search results. It’s paid ads. Ad listings are given priority real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs), so they can easily attract the attention of your client’s target audience and speak to those who are ready to make a purchase. Furthermore, Google Display Ads can keep your client’s name top of mind with customers who may be searching for their products and services. However, creating effective Google Ads can be a challenge. It requires extensive keyword and audience research as well as quality copywriting, careful budgeting, and an ongoing analysis of ad performance.

Pennington Creative can take these tasks off your plate, so you can continue to offer PPC ads to your clients without spending every spare moment managing their campaigns—or worse, neglecting to provide the attention they need to deliver results.

Why You Can’t Set and Forget Google Ads

As an agency owner, you probably have a talent for sales and client relations. However, tasks like managing Google Ads campaigns can limit your ability to network with new clients and take on new accounts. And unfortunately, you can’t simply set and forget Google Ads. You need to update ad messaging and offers to continue to engage your clients’ target audiences. Additionally, ad performance can offer insights on where to improve your ad design, keyword targeting, bid strategy, and other essential components of your Google Ads. That’s where Pennington Creative comes in.

How Pennington Creative Can Help Your Agency Master Google Ads Campaigns

Pennington Creative offers Google Ads setup and onboarding along with monthly management, so you can access the complete package for ad creation, refreshes, and optimization. Our setup package covers one Google Ads campaign with up to four ad groups.

Our Process

When you rely on Pennington Creative for Google Ads setup and management, you really can take a hands-off approach after kickoff. You’ll communicate with your client about their campaign goals and timeline and provide us with access to the accounts we need to get an ad campaign up and running, including Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Business Profile, and your client’s website. 

Once we have the access and order details we need, we’re ready to begin keyword research, audience recommendations, and budget recommendations. Upon approval, we will build new ads and launch the campaign. We can also provide customized landing pages if needed—just let us know, and we’ll provide a quote for the landing page. 

After launch, we’ll continually optimize and test ads, monitor program goals, and provide monthly reporting you can share with your client, so they can see exactly where their ad spend is going. 

Accelerate your growth potential and take busywork off your plate with managed services from Pennington Creative. Learn more about the benefits you gain from partnering with Pennington by scheduling a discovery call today.