Have you ever told a joke to a crowd of strangers, and it did not land like you thought it would? Now, imagine having the same reaction extended to your entire social following—or worse, a national audience. This is a potential risk when you try to use humor in content, especially if you take on sensitive material or opt for a controversial point of view. On the other hand, humor can be a powerful tool in digital advertising, because it causes people to connect to your message and encourages them to share it. So how do you use humor wisely to bring some levity to your content that keeps readers coming back? Let’s take a look:
Recognize the Power of Humor
People bond over laughter, and when a brand is able to make people laugh, they will feel a personal connection that encourages brand loyalty. If you’re simply looking to make people laugh and get a genuinely positive reaction, stick to middle of the road humor that won’t step on anyone’s toes—animals in people clothes, for example.
Know the Risks
Of course, you might feel compelled to go bolder with your humor if you want to really gain attention. To get more eyes on your funny content, you might have to go controversial, but that comes with risks of its own. You may also try to think outside the box but end up in territory that is just more weird than funny.
Run It by a Test Audience
To mitigate the risk of telling a joke that doesn’t land, get some trusted eyes on your content for honest feedback. Even just having content looked over by more members of your staff before it’s published can spare you from an embarrassing misstep that labels your brand as distasteful.
When it comes to content that will play well, you can count on Pennington Creative to capture the right tone for your target audience. Explore our website to take a look at our blogging and web copy services, or schedule a discovery call to speak with our team directly.