If your business isn’t on social media, you’re missing out on numerous marketing and customer service opportunities. Maintaining active social media accounts can help your business interact with current customers while also reaching out to new ones. It is easier to make social media a priority when all your employees are on board with this marketing campaign. These tips can help ensure that all employees are on the same page:

Ask Employees to Follow and Like Your Business on Social Media

The first step you should take is asking all employees to like the company’s Facebook page, follow its Twitter account, and like or follow any other social media accounts the company currently has.

Illustration of a woman sitting at a laptop with a "like" button above her.

When all employees like or follow on social media, then your numbers will be higher—which can help make your online presence look and feel more professional. This will also ensure that your employees will see what the company posts on social media so they can stay in the loop with this marketing strategy.

Discuss Social Media Regularly

If you want your employees to care about social media, then you’ll need to spend some time discussing this topic at work.

Illustration of a man at a laptop with a heart inside a speech bubble.

It is a good idea to schedule a regular social media meeting or keep an open line of communication going regarding your company’s online goals and marketing strategies. Talk to all your employees about your goals for using platforms like Facebook and Twitter and encourage them to share any ideas they have about your campaigns.

Encourage Employees to Create Social Media Content

Along with sharing ideas for social media goals, it’s a good idea to encourage your employees to create content that you can share through your social media accounts.

Illustration at a woman in front of a laptop talking about writing a social media post.

If employees regularly write blogs for your website, ask them to also create a few social media posts that can be used when sharing links to the blogs they write. You can also ask employees to research trending topics and come up with clever posts to share through social media.

You can learn more about the importance of social media marketing when you partner with Pennington Creative. Our writers and designers can create custom content that can help you run a successful social media marketing campaign. Contact us today to get started!






About the Author

Jessica - Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Services
Jessica DeMilt

Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Services

Jessica - Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Services
Adrienne Lobl

Digital Marketing Specialist, Graphic Design Onboarding Services