More than 317 million people use Twitter on a regular basis. With so many people using this social media platform, it only makes sense for businesses to use it. Twitter provides a great platform where businesses can connect with customers, create engaging posts, share links to their websites, and even interact with other businesses. Your business can only take advantage of these benefits if you have followers, so it’s important to know how to build a strong following—whether you’re just getting started or have been on Twitter for a while. These tips can help you get more followers and build a larger online audience:

Create a Great Profile

When you’re getting started, it’s important to set up a high-quality Twitter profile. The website will walk you through the steps, but it’s a good idea to know what to expect. You’ll need to choose a username that is 15 characters or fewer. Choose your business name is possible, and if not, choose something that includes your business name or initials or is otherwise relevant to your brand. Next, you’ll need a profile picture and banner picture. Both should be clean, aesthetically-pleasing, and representative of your brand. You should also include a short bio that describes what you do, a link to your website, and your physical location if applicable.

Follow People

It might sound simple, but following other people is one of the most effective ways to get followers of your own. Other Twitter users will receive a notification when you follow them, which will automatically show them your profile picture and username. They can then choose to follow you back if they are interested in your brand or content. When you start following more accounts, you’ll have more content to experience and share with your own followers.

Tweet Regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining a social media presence. You don’t just want to get followers; you want to keep them, and posting regularly is essential for keeping your followers interested. It’s easier to stay consistent when you create a posting schedule. You can even create your Tweets in advance so that you’ll be able to post regularly throughout the week. Try to post at least once a day, but only post quality content that will motivate your followers.

Interact with Other Twitter Users

Twitter makes it easy to interact with other users. You can “like” Tweets, which will notify the original poster and store the post in a list of your favorites. You can also reply to Tweets, allowing you to start or continue a conversation with one or more users. When you reach out to others, people will be more likely to reach out to you and become engaged with your content.

Retweet Relevant Content

Along with liking and replying to Tweets, you can also Retweet posts that you think your followers will like. When you Retweet a post, you can simply share the original message or add your own message to the top, and it will appear on your followers’ feeds. This is a great way to interact with other users, and can motivate them to look at and share the content that you post.

Include Hashtags in Your Tweets

Hashtags are clickable words in Tweets, marked by the “#” symbol. When you click on a hashtag, you’ll see all the Tweets that contain that hashtag. You should always include 1 or 2 hashtags in a Tweet, as this can make your posts visible to more people and bring your more followers that are interested in what you have to offer.

Link to Your Twitter Account on Your Website

Using Twitter is a great way to get more people to visit your website, but your website can also provide a great way to get more people to visit and follow you on Twitter. Consumers like it when companies have social media profiles, and they like it even more when it’s easy to find those profiles on the companies’ websites. Including a button that links to your Twitter account on your website will motivate people who visit your site to start following you on social media.

Include Your Twitter Account in Your Email Signature

You should also consider adding a link to your Twitter account to your email signature. This signature likely already features your name, number, and a link to your website. Adding social media buttons or links to your signature will encourage the people you interact with through email to check out your social media profiles.

Social media should play a major role in your marketing strategy. If you need help getting started or keeping up with social media, you can work with Pennington Creative. Our Tucson digital marketing services include social media posts, management, and more. Visit our website for more information about our services or to contact us.

About the Author

Jessica DeMilt

Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Services