Social media has become a major player in the world of marketing. In fact, 92% of people involved in marketing believe that social media is essential for their business’ marketing strategies. If your business is ready to enhance your marketing efforts with social media, these tips can help you get started:

Make a List of Your Goals

Illustration of a clipboard with a checklist and a pen.

Before you can figure out what your company should do on social media, you should determine what you want to get out of your social media marketing efforts. This type of marketing can provide many benefits, and focusing on a few of these can help you create measurable goals. Possible goals include gaining more fans and followers, sharing custom content, getting other people to share your content, and answering questions from customers and potential customers.

Figure Out Where Your Audience Is

Illustration of the globe with location pins.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram—these are just some of the social media platforms that people use today. It can be exhausting to try to keep up with all of these platforms and create sharable and engaging content on each one. That’s why you should figure out where your audience is. Some social media platforms appeal more to people of a certain age group or in a certain industry, so do some research to see which social media platforms are most popular among the people you want to target.

Determine Who You Want to Follow

Illustration of a person with social media reaction icons.

Social media marketing isn’t just about getting more followers; it’s also important to follow the right accounts. Interacting with others can help your business get more exposure and more shares or retweets. When you follow influencers in your industry, you’ll be able to share the informative content they post to provide your own fans and followers with valuable information.

Create a Posting Schedule

Illustration of a calendar with a pen making notes.

Staying active on social media is essential if you want to include it in your company’s marketing strategy. Make it easier for your employees to stay active by creating a posting schedule for each platform you use. Figure out what you want to share on each social media platform in advance so you’ll be able to post regularly.

You don’t have to take on a social media marketing strategy on your own—Pennington Creative can help! Visit our Tucson content marketing website to discover the social media services we offer that can help your company make an impact online.

About the Author

Jessica DeMilt

Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Services

Adrienne Lobl

Digital Marketing Specialist, Graphic Design Onboarding Services