As many companies have encouraged their employees to work from home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are discovering what many freelancers have already known. That is, they’re finding out that working from home comes with its own set of unique challenges. First among these is the challenge of staying focused, and not getting distracted by your environment. If you’re new to working from home, here are some tips that will help you stay productive.

Always get ready for the day

Some days, working at home will mean rolling out of bed late and staying in your pajamas all day. However, you’re much more likely to be productive if you treat working at home like work. That is, you should get up at a reasonable hour and dress for the day as if you were heading to the office. Even if you don’t leave the house all day, going through this morning ritual can put you in the right frame of mind for work.

Schedule regular breaks for yourself

When you’re at the office, you’ll typically take scheduled breaks for coffee or lunch. It’s a good idea to schedule periodic breaks at home. Not only will this help to keep you from getting burned out, but it will also help to keep you on task. When you know that you have a break coming up in 15 minutes, you’re less likely to take time out to eat a bag of pretzels or browse the internet.

Don’t work constantly

One of the potential hazards of working at home is that you may be tempted to simply work around the clock. This isn’t a good idea, because it can easily lead to stress and a feeling of burnout. Decide in advance when you’re going to “leave” work, and then stick to that concept as much as possible. After a certain time of day, it’s time to stop working and relax. Log out for the day, and don’t be tempted to keep checking your work emails every half-hour.

Set up a home office

Many people assume that working at home means working at the kitchen table or even sprawling on the couch with your laptop. While this works for some people, it may be more effective for others to set up an office at home. Having a desk, a comfortable chair, and all of your work materials easily accessible will make it easier for you to avoid distractions. Your home office can be as humble—or as elaborate—as you want. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t have to impress anyone except yourself!

If you’re looking for first-class content to help you sharpen your online marketing strategy, Pennington Creative can help. We offer a fantastic array of services—including onsite copy, blog content, and social media posts—for businesses and agencies. We’re ready to help you navigate today’s difficult economic climate with nimble, responsive marketing efforts. When you partner with us, we’ll devise a customized bundle of our best services to help you achieve your goals for your online content. In the meantime, check out part 1 of this series for tips on staying active and entertained at home.

About the Author

Justyn - Digital Marketing Manager, Special Projects
Justyn Dillingham

Digital Marketing Manager, Special Projects