If you want to develop an effective content marketing strategy, blogging is the perfect place to begin. Blogging allows you to start building a reputation as a trustworthy source of information. It also lets you educate your potential—and return—clients about the products you sell and the services you offer. Having a regular blog increases the number of searchable pages on your website. Thus, it can help you improve your search engine results. It makes your site more interesting and unpredictable, and it can help you increase your traffic. If you don’t already have a blog, you should add one to your site as soon as you can.
One of the most important advantages of online blogging, however, is how versatile it is. If you’ve only seen business blogs that consist of the same types of blogs repeated endlessly, you may have no idea of the possibilities open to anyone who has a blog. There are numerous different types of blog posts that you can utilize, each of which has its own particular advantages. Here is a look at the different types of blog posts Pennington Creative can provide:
Short Blog Posts
These posts range in length from about 150 to 200 words. They tend to be focused on highly specific subjects, and they often take the form of short answers to popular questions such as “How Often Should I Have My Car’s Oil Changed?” or “How Often Does a House Plant Need Watering?” These are questions that can be answered briefly, so the posts will be most effective if they are written as clearly, engagingly, and succinctly as possible. Short blogs are great for breaking up the monotony of a page that would otherwise be dominated by longer posts.
Standard Blog Posts
A standard blog post usually consists of 350 to 400 words. While they can take on any subject matter, they tend to be topics that require further examination than short blogs. Often, they center on lists or steps, each item of which gets a few sentences of explanation. For instance, standard blog posts that tackled similar subjects to the ones above might be “Your Car’s Five Most Important Maintenance Services” or “Essential Tips for Taking Care of a House Plant.” Every blog should include plenty of standard blog posts, which are both packed with useful information and written at an accessible length.
Long Blog Posts
Long blog posts range from 800 to 1,000 words. These allow you to explore certain subjects in much more depth or breadth than you could achieve in shorter posts, and the topics should be adjusted accordingly. A long blog post may vary its format, using lists or bullet points to address different aspects of a topic. These posts can be extremely informative, and they provide you with the opportunity to educate your readers in a way that they’re likely to appreciate—which will help ensure that they keep coming back to your website.
Enhanced Blog Posts
You’ve probably heard the old expression “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Whether or not this is true, it’s hard to argue with the idea that pictures make words more effective. Enhanced blog posts combine the in-depth approach of long blog posts with the unique advantage provided by graphics. These graphic-enhanced posts provide an extra boost for your search engine results, but they are also likely to appeal to readers who will be more inclined to pause over posts that include eye-catching graphics. The more smoothly you incorporate complementary graphics into your blog posts, the more effective they will be.
There’s always a place for exceptional blog copy in your content strategy, and Pennington Creative can provide you with the regular content you’re looking for. We’ll write the well-researched, professionally written posts you need to impress your customers and build your online audience. We have experience writing for a number of industries, from real estate to law, in a smart and authoritative way. We’ll put together a bundle of our services designed to help you achieve your overall marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more!