Today’s customers want to be able to visit websites that provide all of the information they need about the products and services they use or want to use. That is why it is essential for every business to build a strong, reliable, and easy-to-use website that is attractive and informative. When more people visit your website, you could find yourself getting more business and seeing your brand grow. But how can you tell how many people are visiting your website each year, month, or even day? This guide can help you understand the importance of measuring your website’s traffic and what tools you can use to do so.
Installing Google Analytics
This tool is a must-have for any business interested in seeing how much traffic their website is getting. Google Analytics is a free tool, but you must create an account associated with a Google account to use it. During the account creation process, you will input facts about your business’ website. Once you are done, you will receive a tracking code that you must then place on every single page of your company’s website. You will then be able to set goals, such as displaying a “Thank You” page after a website visitor submits their contact information. Google Analytics allows you to establish and track up to 20 goals. You can also make a site search feature so that Google Analytics will tell you what people are searching for when they use your site’s search bar. It is easy to view your Google Analytics data by logging into your account and looking at the different reports that are available.
Using Piwik
Piwik is another traffic measuring tool that has been compared to Google Analytics, and some companies prefer it because it does not share your information like Google Analytics does. After signing up with Piwik, you will be instructed on how to install it onto a server and then given a Javascript tag to add to every page of your company’s website. Next, you will set up the goals that you want Piwik to track, such as subscriptions to a newsletter, purchases made on the site, submissions through a contact form, and any other actions visitors might take on your website. You can also use Piwik to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns or even exclude certain IPs from your search results, which will help you get more accurate measurements if you’re worried about clicks from employees affecting your numbers.
Testing Adblock Analytics
Along with finding out how many people are visiting your website and what they’re doing on it, it’s a good idea to discover how many of your website visitors are using ad blockers. Adblock Analytics is a paid service that tells you what percentage of your website visitors are using an ad blocking program. This analytics tool also gives you information about how people are viewing your website, such as what type of device they’re using, what country they’re located in, and what platform they used to find your site. Adblock Analytics can be integrated with Google Analytics so that you only have to visit one place to find all of the information you want.
Looking at Comments, Questions, and Contact Information
We’ve already discussed the most effective ways to measure your website traffic, but there are other simple steps you can take to get an idea of how many people are visiting and interacting with your company’s website. If your website has a blog where visitors can leave comments or questions, you should check out these numbers every time you put up a new post. This can help you see how many people are interacting with your blog and allow you to answer any questions that visitors might have. You can also include a contact form on your website so it’s easy for visitors to contact you and easy for you to see how many people are using your contact page. Taking this type of approach to traffic measurement may not be very effective on its own, but it can be a great addition to your traffic measurement strategy and motivate you to regularly check your website pages to make sure everything is still running smoothly.
If you want to drive more traffic to your website, quality content is the way to go. Pennington Creative can help you with custom content creation in the form of blogs, infographics, social media posts, onsite copy, and more. Contact us today if you’d like to see what we can do to help you get more traffic on your website.