Just like its namesake, evergreen content is timeless. Regardless of the date on the calendar, these are the posts and pages that people click on because they are always relevant. Evergreen content is not bound by geographical borders, and it stubbornly resists becoming outdated. Essentially, it serves as the backbone for your website. Evergreen posts provide the structure for a blog, whereas trending and seasonal posts fill in the gaps to meet your customers’ more immediate needs and interests.

Distinguishing Between Evergreen and Trending Content

If the age-old question, “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?” were applied to blog posts, evergreen content would be a stately fir and trending posts would be excitable shrubs that pop up here and there. Each type serves a valuable purpose, and it’s best to have a balanced mix of both kinds. Here’s a look at some examples of titles for evergreen and trending content:

Trending: Researchers Say Cancer Rates Are Declining
Evergreen: What Is Chemotherapy and How Does It Work?

Trending: Stop By Our Store This Month for 20% Off!
Evergreen: Acme Hardware: Our Mission and Values

Trending: The Rundown of the Hottest New Cars This Year
Evergreen: Oil Changes: Learn the DIY Approach

Trending: Average Salary of Dental Hygienists This Year
Evergreen: Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Dental Hygienist?

Trending topics may only be relevant for a few weeks or days. Evergreen topics are those that stay fresh and useful for months or years. Of course, even they have an eventual expiration date. A how-to blog on troubleshooting computer problems probably wouldn’t be useful today if it was written in the 1990s. Fortunately, digital platforms are a renewable resource—new content can be posted at any time on any subject.

Identifying the Key Features of Evergreen Content

Before delving into what makes evergreen content so relevant, consider everything that it isn’t. Evergreen content isn’t about the latest celebrity gossip—or any other news—and it doesn’t involve discussions of current trends. You won’t find statistical reports here (unless the content covers historical statistics, like Babe Ruth’s batting average). Lastly, evergreen content isn’t dependent on the calendar, as in “Top Tips for Getting Fit During Men’s Health Month.” Now, take a look at what evergreen content is. Here are some of the most common types:

  • How-to articles (“How to Negotiate Your Salary”)
  • Checklists (“The 5 Things to Do Before You Retire”)
  • Resource lists (“Use These References to Become a Knowledgeable Puppy Parent”)
  • Frequently asked questions (“FAQs and Answers About Our Customer Care Services”)
  • Industry terminology (“Common Terms Every Cancer Patient Needs to Know”)

There is no set formula to follow when determining the ratio of evergreen content to trending content—it really depends on your industry and approach. A hair salon that gets most of its customers through special offers will likely have more trending posts to highlight upcoming sales. A CPA office will likely have more evergreen content throughout the year, with a heavier emphasis on trending content before and during tax season. When you do strike the right balance, you’ll see the benefits reflected on your website’s traffic tracker.

Partner with Pennington Creative and let our digital marketing team create compelling, custom content that drives traffic. We can provide a balanced mix of evergreen and trending content to improve your search engine performance and capture the attention of prospective customers.

About the Author

Jacky Gilchrist

Digital Marketing Specialist, Copywriting